For over 15 years, Truth is Calling has offered chapter- by-chapter, verse-by-verse studies in the Word of God.
In His earthly ministry, our Lord explained:
The reason I was born,
The reason I came into this world,
Is to testify to the Truth
Anyone that is of the Truth hears My Voice.
Our aim has been to study the Word for the purpose of intimately knowing our Creator, His Will for us, and plan of Salvation.
As our ministry grows we look to expand our reach in the form of informational videos, website resources, and a mobile app.
It should be noted that in all our Scripture studies, the Holy Spirit Himself is THE guide and teacher of His own Sacred Word. But sometimes, as in the case of the Apostle Phillip (Acts 8), He sends a messenger, and uses human instruments and agencies.
It is this guidance which the ordinary readers stands in need of today…and never more than today, when so many would-be guides are, “blind leaders of the blind”. There are so many attractions to draw Bible students of, “the way”, and so many supposed, “good books” to lead them astray!
If any think they know all or that they have exhausted their understanding of the Word of God, we shall be of little service and they need not investigate with us any further.
When we come to ask ourselves,
“Where did I learn this?”
“How did I get this?”
“Who taught me this?”
It will be astonishing to find how much we have learned from traditions of men and not directly for ourselves, from the Word of God.
All that we have learned from our youth must be tested and proved by the Word of God. Where we find it is true we must, learn it over again, from God’s Word. And where it will not stand the test of His Word we must not only be content, but thankful to give up our misunderstandings and ever ready to receive Divine revelation in the place of man’s imagination.