The name of this book comes from the exploits of Joshua, whom Moses prayed for and commissioned as a leader in Israel (Numbers 27: 12-23) “Joshua” means “Jehovah saves,” or “the Lord is Salvation,” and corresponds to the New Testament name “Jesus.” God delivered Israel in Joshua’s day when He was personally present as the saving Commander who fought on Israel’s behalf. Joshua led Israel to drive out most of the Canaanites and divided the Land among the 12 tribes. This was the land God had promised (Genesis 12:7; 15:18-21).
Click on the title above to read about this important period in Israel’s history.
Judges is the point in time after … all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua wherein the Hebrew peoples began to serve gods of Canaan and intermingle with the remnant of Canaanites that were not driven from the land.
The book of Judges further records the history of 13 Judges in Israel during this period of time. 12 of the Judges were called by God and one of the Judges is a usurper.
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The story of Ruth occurred in the days “when the judges ruled” Israel (Ruth 1:1). Ruth portrays the virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31:10. Among its Biblical themes, the book demonstrates that women are coheirs with men of God’s salvation grace (Galatians 3:28).
The Book of Ruth has been described as: “the loveliest, complete work on a small scale.” What Venus is to statuary and the Mona Lisa is to paintings, Ruth is to literature.
Click on the title above to begin this beautiful Biblical drama.
The Book of Samuel follows on Judges and looks both backward and forward on the history of Israel. It presents the life history of Samuel, the last in the days of Judges, the moral failure of the priesthood under Eli, the moral failure of the judges under Samuel, the beginning and failure of the monarch under Saul, the anointing and trying experiences of David, and the end of Saul.
Click on the title above to begin this engaging Biblical narrative.
The book of 2 samuel begins by narrating David's rice and reign as king of Israel.
Illustrating the lord's generosity and kindness to those who are faithful to him. However, in recounting the sins of david and his sons amnon and absalom, this book also shows the sorrow and tragedy that accompany violations of the lords commandments
In this study of 2 samuel, it can easily be seen that, if one is not faithful in keeping the commandments of god, it will dramatically after the course of one's life and bring harmful consequences upon oneself and others
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The book of 1 Kings provides an account of the death of David, the reign of his son Solomon, and the decline and division of the Kingdom of Israel after Solomon and many of his successors turned to idol worship. It also recounts the ministry of the prophet Elijah among the northern ten tribes of Israel.
The book of 1 Kings teaches truths about the importance of worshipping the Lord in His temple, marrying in the covenant, making righteous choices, and listening to the still, small voice of the Lord.
Click on the title above to begin this insightful Biblical narrative.
In this second letter, Paul reminds the Thessalonians that the Day of the Lord would not come until, "The Man of Sin" was revealed. This is the Antichrist. The prophecy is given in the simplest language to make it abundantly clear.
This is a warning that is very much needed in our present day, when it is widely taught that the Day of the Lord will not come until the supposed Rapture. A false doctrine that is misleading many believers.
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Although man has called this book, The Revelation or The Revelation of St. John the Divine, its God given title is in the first verse The Revelation of Jesus Christ. The subject is the visible appearing of Jesus Christ in power and glory; and for judgment on the Earth. This is the only book in Scripture that begins and ends with a blessing for all those that read and study it.
What are you waiting for? Click on the title above to begin this blessed study!