
The Days of Evil


In Psalm 49, King David exclaims:

Why should I fear the days of evil, when the iniquity of my heels shall compass me about?

This highlights the history of many of the kings of Israel. It shows how their approach to war was directly related to their confidence in examining their consciences and ensuring their uprightness with God.

But what exactly are these, “days of evil” mentioned by David? They are the days when the unexamined sins of each our lives reaches a point of personal crisis.

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On two different occasions I have been warned not to write this Biblical brief unveiling an invisible
reality of Heaven.

At the time I silently listened. I considered the reasons given to me, but that consideration lasted
no longer than a moment.

I want to share here a unique vision of Heaven and its citizens as described in the Book of

Herein is a Biblically unique vision of heaven’s citizens that our ‘Father God’ has graciously
unveiled for all of us, a look into our spiritual future, Revelation 7:

9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number,

of all nations,

and kindreds,

and people,

and tongues,

stood before the throne,

and before the Lamb,...


Jesus Marveled


Scripture describes only two instances in the life of our Lord where He marveled. The reasons will surprise you.

Our ‘Lord’ marveled on two different occasions during His Gospel Ministry.


8. The centurion answered and said,
Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof:
but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

10 When Jesus heard it, he marveled, and said to them that followed,
Verily I say unto you,
I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

‘Jesus’ marveled at the Roman centurion’s belief in His Divinity,... whereby the centurion
called Him …Lord’.

Mark 6:

1 And Jesus …came into his own country (Naz...


The Pharisees were Fake News Advocates


Our Lord was convicted and sentenced because of fake news. The trial was staged and lasted for only a few hours, the verdict, ‘God’ was found guilty…but what exactly was He Guilty of?

Fake New’s Advocates Murdered ‘God’s ‘Son’, ‘Jesus Christ’

‘Jesus Christ’, ‘God’s Son, our Savior, was convicted and murdered because of fake news. The trial was staged and lasted for only a few hours, the verdict, ‘God’ was guilty. Guilty of what? Guilty of telling the truth.

Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, to put him to death;
But found none: yea, though man...


The Days Of Youth


It’s Friday night; the smell of rain is in the air and the first weekend of summer has come – energy and excitement envelop you. A feeling of invincibility pulsates through your body. You’ve made plans to meet with friends. The stress from school and worries of young life disappear as you anticipate the night’s festivities.

You rummage through the closet and locate your best outfit. A night like this, calls for nothing less. The music plays loudly and freely as you shower and dress.

A familiar ringtone signals a welcoming text: “We’re outside,” the message reads. Your friends have arrived. You smile and take one last look in the mirror. Closing the fr...


The Eternal Purpose


...Christians are expected to know Scripture, many believers, however, avoid reading difficult Biblical books and passage. The reason is simple...

In any given profession there are expectations. An accountant is expected to know math, a computer technician knows hardware,and an educator, teaching strategies. The same holds true for personal pursuits. If we enjoy basketball, we should know the rules of the game, chess, the game pieces, and driving, the rules of the road. Similarly, Christians are expected to know scripture. Many believers, however, avoid reading difficult biblical books and passages. The reason is simple: they don't understand them. This is justifiable. How can we enjoy read...


Man On Fire


It was a late Sunday afternoon, when two men walked a lonely road leading to their destination. Lost in gloomy conversation they hardly noticed the stranger walking close by.

“What are you two discussing so intently?” the stranger asked.

As they walked along, the stranger lifted their spirits by explaining all the Scriptures foretelling the death and resurrection of the Messiah. The two men’s hearts were stirred. As the day drew on and evening set, they arrived at their destination and invited their new companion to eat with them.

Minutes later the three men were reclining for the evening meal. Then it happened.

When the stranger blessed the bread they recognized it was their ...


The Healing Of Families


Scripture tells us: “…it is appointed unto men to die once.”1

This is why God treats our lives very seriously.

There is no such thing as, fate, luck, or coincidences with God...

The things that happen to our families (both good and bad) have reasons. When something good happens you may think its luck, when something bad happens you may just believe the expression, “bad things can happen to good people.”

What if I were to tell you what you consider “luck” is actually a blessing, and what you may attribute to “fate” is actually a non-blessing. These two seemingly mysterious words will lose their mystery by the time you finish reading this art...


There Will Be Tribulation


We are living in a time like no other in the history of mankind. Our world is connected in ways never before imagined. In a matter of seconds...

In the palm of your hand, a smart phone can show you a world that is ever more complex. From conflict with countries to conflict within a country, everyday news reveals the present day struggle to determine what’s right and wrong. One of the greatest tragedies of our time is the increase of hostility towards Christians. Militant groups murder Christian children and bury their families alive, lawsuits challenge prayer before meetings, crosses on military graves, and even the three crosses that have always represented our beautiful city of Las C...


Prepare For War


You’re at war. Whether you know it or not; whether you care to believe what you’re about to read or not; it will not change this absolute fact that from the day you were born until the day you die, there is an enemy that will not stop working to destroy you.

You’ve already experienced the enemy’s work in your life. When your patience is tested and you lash out at others, he is there. When you give in to negative thoughts that encourage strife and self-pride, he is there. The enemy may be encouraging you right now to put aside this article that is written against him...the enemy is the devil.

There’s an old belief in our culture that: “the devil never sleeps...