Directed by a Divine angelic-messenger the Apostle Phillip ran up close to the chariot of an Ethiopian Eunuch and heard him reading aloud the words of the prophet Isaiah. He asked him:
Do you understand what you’re reading?
The Ethiopian replied:
How can I except some man should guide me?
And he desired Phillip should come up and sit with him.
-Acts 8: 27 – 31
In all our Scripture studies, the Holy Spirit Himself is THE guide and teacher of His own Sacred Word, but sometimes, as in the case of Phillip, He sends a messenger, and uses human instruments and agencies.
We cannot pretend to be a, Phillip, or to have his special commission. But, without assuming to teach others on such an important subject we may at least share with you in the links below what lines of study we have ourselves found helpful in our own searching of God’s Word”.
This link will provide you access to the Companion Bible. For those that seek to know and understand God’s Word, The Companion Bible is the most enduring Study Bible ever written.
It is called, “The Companion Bible” because it’s wide study margin is intended to be a companion to the text and the reader that seeks to understand the Word of God.
The Companion Bible Features:
Extensive marginal notes with appropriate Hebrew and Greek analysis provide alternate translations of critical passages and call attention to other relevant texts.
Detailed outlines that focus on the context and significance of each book while emphasizing how each part fits into the whole.
Nearly 200 appendixes of Hebrew words and their use, charts, parallel passages, maps, lists of proper names, calendars, and timelines.
Keyed to the marginal notes, provide additional information on genealogies, synonyms, historical and a wide range of other important topics.
The Companion Bible notes and the accompanying Appendixes were compiled and written by Dr. E.W. Bullinger, utilizing the Massorah, The Companion Bible is the ONLY Bible to include the Masoretic notes!
Likened to footnotes the Massorah can only be found in the oldest and best Hebrew manuscripts being an important part of them, as they lock in the text, so there is no confusion from the original manuscripts, thus giving any reader of The Companion Bible a clearer understanding of the Hebrew language, never before available to English reading students.
The scholarly work of Dr. Bullinger remains un-surpassed in Modern Times as this is the only bible to utilize the Massorah in translating the manuscripts
Bible dictionaries are one of the most practical and useful theological reference books available. The combination of definitions and proper names for Biblical words with online verse reference, allows users to define and analyze Scripture. Discover the meaning of words and study them in context to the theological concepts of that specific verse or passage.
This link will provide you access to several dictionaries for your study use.
Bible Gateway is a rich social and personal connection to freely read, research, and reference Scripture on your desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone . . . anywhere; in more than 200 versions and more than 70 languages!
It’s simple yet advanced searching capabilities allow you to quickly find and compare particular passages in multiple Bible translations based on the keywords, phrases, topics, or Scripture references you have in mind. You’ll be inspired and encouraged – whether reading with your eyes or your ears (audio Bibles).
The question the Apostle Philip addressed to the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:30,31) is still greatly needed:
Do you understand what you’re reading?
And the Eunuch's answer is only too true to-day:
“How can I, except some man should guide me?”
The link above provides access to E.W. Bullinger’s Book, How to Enjoy the Bible was written with the object of furnishing this "guide” to understanding the Sacred Scriptures.
E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes are a popular study tool with a dedicated following since the early 1900s. It includes thorough textual study notes and detailed outlines on numerous themes. The Old Testament notes of the Companion Bible frequently references Dr. Christian David Ginsburg's significant work on the Massorah, which refers to small writings in the margins of Hebrew texts. Dr. Bullinger is reportedly the only Christian that Dr. Ginsburg allowed to assist him with his collection of the Masoretic Notes or even to see them. Dr. Bullinger's work is widely read and stands out for its unique studies on subjects that other scholars often avoid.
There is one thing that the Christian needs more than he needs any other things. One thing on which all others rest; and on which all others turn.
It is stated in The Word of God, and certain from our own experience…this short work by E.W. Bullinger provides the answer to this intriguing Christian need.
Many writers, from the earliest times, have called attention to the importance of the great subject of Numbers in Scripture. It has been dealt with, for the most part, in a fragmentary way such as focusing on particular numbers, for some it was "seven"; for others a study of the primary numbers; another has confined himself to "symbolical numbers," such as 10, 40, 666, etc.
There seemed, therefore, room, and indeed a call, for a work which would be more complete, embrace a larger area, and at the same time be free from man’s imagination and allow Scripture to speak for itself.
The link above provides access to E.W. Bullinger’s Book, Number in Scripture which was written with the object of furnishing a "guide” to understanding the use of numbers throughout Sacred Scripture.
James Tissot was a French artist who lived in the late 19th century and is well known for his series of illustrations depicting the Passion of Christ. This series, which was completed over a period of several years, includes over 350 watercolors that portray the events leading up to and including the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Tissot's unique style and attention to detail, combined with his use of vibrant colors and dramatic compositions, make these illustrations some of the most striking and memorable depictions of the Passion in the history of art.
For more than 2,500 years the world was without a written revelation from God.
The question is: Did God leave Himself without a witness?
The question is answered very positively by the written Word that He did not.
The link above provides the explanation in E.W. Bullinger’s Book, The Witness of the Stars.
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The Shepherd’s Chapel provides a unique, chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse study in the Word of God.
The link above will take you to their YouTube page where you can, listen to and study any book of the Bible in great detail.
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich was an Augustinian nun at a Convent in Westphalia, Germany. She lived between 1774 to 1824.
During her life, God gave her extensive visions of the past, the present and the future. Many theologians believe that she received from God more visions than any other saint. The Sorrowful (Dolorous) Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ are the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich concerning the horrific sufferings our Lord Jesus Christ suffered in his work to save mankind.
This includes:
The Last Supper
The Agony in the Garden
The Arrest
The Scourging
The Crowning of Thorns
The Trial by Pontius Pilate
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion
Christ’s Death on the Cross
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
They are incredibly, highly detailed and descriptive, revealing to us more information about the Life of Jesus Christ besides what we read of Him in the Bible. The link above provides an online version of Sister Catherine’s book: THE DOLOROUS PASSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.
The book of Jude encourages us to, “Contend for the Faith.” Click on the link above to discover a list of radio programs that are doing just that.