In 2012, we published our first study in the book of Revelation containing a chapter by chapter, verse by verse analysis. Through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, we see the need to write a new study that offers an overview of the text. The new study can be found below.

For those that wish for a more in-depth analysis or to cross reference the original study, you may access it by clicking on the above title.


The following study offers a Biblical and Christ-centered approach on the book of Revelation. It is suitable for both personal and group study. This volume provides both in-depth notes (in the form of appendixes) and lay-oriented exposition.

Click on the title above to learn more about the layout for this study in Revelation.


Within the title of this Holy Book-The Revelation of Jesus Christ- the subject is the visible appearing of our Lord in power and glory and for judgment on the Earth.'

Inadvertently this Holy Scripture has been called ‘Revelations.’ It is not a series of revelations about Jesus Christ but the Holy Book that gives us the particulars about the events, which relate to His second coming.

Click on the title above for an introduction to the text.

This slide deck provides an overview of what we have currently covered in our study of Revelation.  Please take some time to review it in order to reinforce your understanding of the text. We will continue to update the slides as we progress in our study. 

Click on the title to explore this resource. 


The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 1 opens with an introduction letting the reader know the revelation is from Jesus Christ Himself. He makes it known by sending an angel to His servant, John, who had been exiled to the island of Patmos.

Just like the prophesies in Daniel, Revelation Chapter 1 talks about the second coming of Christ. The angel directs John to write what he is seeing and hearing.

Click on the title above to learn more about what John saw and heard.

The Letters to the Churches
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3

Chapter 2 begins the messages to the seven churches. God sees and addresses the conditions that existed within the seven churches at that time. However, there is also an element of future application: Modern churches will be able to see the same conditions within themselves. If God told an early church not to do something, modern churches will do well to assume He has not changed His mind! Please notice that there is not one word from John within the seven messages. God’s message for the churches is enveloped in love and stamped with corrective and constructive criticism. Indeed, John has transcribed God's voice word-for-word. This illustrates an important point: When God speaks, people will do well not to reword His message!

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

The First Vision-in Heaven
Chapter 4 - Chapter 5

Revelation chapters 4 and 5, begin the first vision “in Heaven” as clearly stated in the opening verses of chapter 4. John was “in the Spirit” and saw God on His throne. God and His throne in Heaven is the great central object of the 1st Vision. It is the key to all that follows, and carries us forward by the Spirit to the coming “Day of the Lord.”

God on His throne speaks of judgment, Daniel 7:9-10. It is the ‘day’ spoken of in Psalm 103:19, “The LORD hath prepared His throne in the heavens; and his kingdom rules over all.” It is the ‘time of trouble’, the great Tribulation spoken of in Psalm 9:

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

The First Vision-onEarth
Chapter 6 - Chapter 7

Revelation 6 marks the opening of the first six seals, unveiling a series of judgments that set the stage for the tribulation period. As each seal is broken, dramatic events unfold, including the rise of the four horsemen, representing conquest, war, famine, and death. These judgments reveal God’s righteous wrath upon a rebellious world while also pointing to His ultimate plan for redemption. This chapter serves as a sobering reminder of the consequences of sin and the certainty of God’s justice.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

In Revelation 8:7 to 11:14, a series of catastrophic events unfold as the seventh seal is opened and seven trumpets are sounded. The first four trumpets bring forth devastating natural disasters, including hail and fire mixed with blood, a burning mountain cast into the sea, a falling star poisoning the waters, and darkness covering the sun, moon, and stars. The fifth trumpet introduces the torment of locust-like creatures upon the ungodly, while the sixth trumpet unleashes an army of horsemen with the power to kill a third of humanity. Amidst these horrors, there is a pause, with an angel proclaiming three woes upon the remaining earth dwellers. The seventh trumpet is then sounded, marking the final judgment, with loud voices in heaven proclaiming the kingdom of God and the time for rewarding the righteous and judging the wicked.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

Chapter 12 begins the fourth set of visions in Heaven and Earth. There is something remarkable here as we have the following: The fourth pair of visions are the central pair in the 7 visions The 12th chapter is the literary center of the book The subject of this fourth vision is the central subject of the whole book. All this shows us that we are on the threshold of an important part of Scripture which relates to the actual Revelation or Unveiling of the glorious Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

This entire vision describes what happens to the earth as a result of the war in heaven. There are two parts to the vision: First, the effect of the heavenly war as it concerns Israel. Then, the effect of the heavenly war as it concerns the Earth. Keep in mind the events above are part of chapter 12. Chapters 12-15 take us back to the time before chapter 6 verse 13. We are shown how the False Messiah came to be on the earth. It is he who makes war against the “Two Witnesses” (chapter 11); and it is against him and his armies that the judgments and plagues (mentioned in chapters 6-9) are directed.  

Now we are once again taken back to have these prior events further made known and explained to us.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

The Fifth Vision in Heaven is very brief and occupies the first five verses of chapter 14. While chapter 13 described the evil that will consume the earth during Satan’s reign as the Antichrist, chapter 14 is episodic and gives a glimpse of eternity. It shows believers what awaits their patience and faith.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

The next vision, “on earth” follows closely on the last and is an introduction (preliminary) to the pouring out of the Seven Vials. This fifth vision on earth consists of the appearance of six angels consecutively, each having a separate mission, and all but one (the fifth) having his own proclamation. The six angels are distinct from each other and continue the episode by giving us God's side of what is going to happen; and telling us of what He is doing during the time that the Beast and False Prophet are running their course in chapter 13. They also form an account of all the remaining judgments contained in the rest of Revelation.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

The Sixth Vision in Heaven is very brief, eight verses. It describes how the seven vials poured out upon the earth completes God’s wrath. It further describes the rejoicing of those that have overcome the Beast. Their rejoicing takes the form of two songs: 

The Song of Moses 

The Song of the Lamb 

In the brief verses that occupy chapter 15 we learn how believers will fully realize at the end of time the righteousness of God’s judgments and dealings with the earth.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

The Sixth Vision on Earth is the most important of the Visions John sees, in relation to the Earth. Three chapters are devoted to it. It describes the great judgments introduced by the sounding of the seventh Trumpet. Once this final trumpet is sounded, the seven vials are poured out and the “The Mystery of God” is completed.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

Here in chapter 19 the final Heavenly Utterances take place and they to reveal to us the solemnity of the final judgments which are afterwards to be described. The utterances close up the Divine communications; and the five concluding judgments close up the great Conflict, which began in Genesis 3:15 and ends in Revelation 20.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

The seventh and last vision on earth completes the “mystery” or secret purpose of God concerning Satan and Man; Jew and Gentile; Heaven and Earth. The judgments embrace the setting right of what is wrong; the setting up of what is good; and the putting down and final destruction of all that is evil.

Click on the title above to read this chapter.

In this section of Revelation, we are given a glimpse of the wonders and majesty of the new earth that God will establish. Apart from what God chooses to reveal, nothing about His eternal plan could be known by mortal man, as human imagination is inadequate and misleading when it comes to divine realities. This is why the repeated phrases “And I saw” and “And I heard” emphasize that these truths are God’s direct revelation, not human speculation. As 1 Corinthians 2:9 declares, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." These words remind us that the wonders of the New Earth and eternal dwelling with God surpass human comprehension, but God, in His grace, has revealed enough to ignite our hope and anticipation.

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The appendixes supplement the study notes found in each chapter and further expand on key Biblical passages. The appendixes are arranged by the order in which the Biblical subjects are mentioned in the Sacred Text.

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